
More Examples of Information Aesthetics

Though perhaps more aesthetic than informational, the following are examples of creative visual interpretations of data from multiple sources.

Britain from Above

The BBC's Britain from Above provides visualizations of the airplanes, taxis, and lights as seen from high above the metropolitan cityscape.


Magnetosphere is an audio visualization program originally developed by the barbarian group, developers of interactive physical and digital artwork. Apple purchased Magnetosphere in 2008; it now lives on as iTunes' gorgeous built-in music visualizer:

Magnetosphere Demo - Musique by Daft Punk from Joe Kohlmann on Vimeo.

See also: another video of Magnetosphere.

Futurizmo Zugakousaku Quartz Composer Lab

Digital artist Mamoru Kano has created dozens of realtime visualizations using Quartz Composer, a free application from Apple:

Kano also created an interactive exhibition piece titled "People Forest":

Be sure to check out Mamoru Kano's website - if you're on a Mac, you can download and use any of his compositions as a screensaver.


  1. Britain from above is amazing! I like People Forrest as well...very simple, yet beautiful and calming. Thanks for the link!


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